Jan 15, 2011

Meg Cabot's The Boy Next Door

Author: Meg Cabot
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Published: October 2005

Gossip columnist and single New York City girl Mel lives lives in the most exciting place in the world, yet she's bored with her lovelife. But things get interesting fast when the old lady next door is nearly murdered. Mel starts paying closer attention to her neighbors—what exactly is going on with the cute boy next door? Has Mel found the love of her life—or a killer?

To: You
Subject: This is my first book from                                             

Meg Cabot, and I must admit, I quite enjoyed it. It was a cute, clean, fun little romance.

The whole book is written in the format of e-mails. Literally. It's not just from hero to heroine either, it's all of the characters. Mel would divulge all the juicy details to her best friend, or John would ask his brother for advice, or all Mel's co-workers would talk to eachother about her love life through inter-office e-mails. Instead of witnessing the events first hand, we are told about them after the fact through an e-mail to one various character or another. It took me awhile to get into the swing of things. I would be reading the e-mail, but find myself lost as to who the speaker is. Or rather, writer, in this case. Once I got into the habit of reading the "From" and "To" fields and got into the flow, I settled into the story.

The characters were delightful! I loved Mel and her innocent country girl personality. I adored John and his desire to make it on his own without the help of his very wealthy family. I really felt the chemistry between the two, and even though the book wasn't written in typical format, I still felt like they were developed well and I had a chance to get to know them and fall in love with them. The host of side characters only complemented the story. Ms. Cabot was also able to bring out the personalities of the side characters, even through e-mails.

While I wouldn't put this book in my list of favorite books of all time, I would probably reread it. The Boy Next Door is great if you are in the mood for a light, fun read. I recommend it for those lazy days when you just want a book that makes you laugh.



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