Jan 27, 2011

Follow Friday #1

To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { Parajunkee.com } and any one else you want to follow on the list
  2. Follow our Featured Bloggers - http://missiontoread.blogspot.com
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
  7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!  
  8. If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
I'm new to the Follow Friday feature, so are we supposed to answer the question? I guess I'll do it anyway, as it won't hurt anything!

Q. What was/is your favorite subject in school?

A. Definitely English! I had a creative writing class once that I loved, as well as a short story literary class. I have never in my life liked short stories, but for some reason this class did it for me.

Thanks for the follow!


Sniffly Kitty said...

yep! supposed to answer the question ^.^ it helps to have something to discuss instead of just hopping around. I think I'm in the minority for not liking English >.>

New Follower!

Sniffly Kitty
Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
Loving the Reviews Challenge

A Journey in Reading said...

As much as I love to read, I didn't really like English... So Sniffly Kitty, you aren't alone. :)

Kat @ A Journey In Reading

Caitlin said...

I'm pretty sure that liking English is not a requirement for loving to read! I hated all of the books we had to read in school.. Lord of the Flies? Of Mice and Men? Seriously dislike!

brandileigh2003 said...

To answer this week’s question- in school I liked JROTC and English!
Don't know about it being a requirement though :)
I’m hopping by from Follow Friday I’m following you and would love if you follow me too! Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

Kristin said...

I was an English major, so...:) New follower! Stop by and say hi if you get a chance!
Have a great weekend!

ParaJunkee said...

Hmmm...I think with our hobby a lot of us will like English!! Thanks for participating. XOXO Parajunkee

BLHmistress said...

HI, My favorite was history= Greek, Roman, WWII and Civil War especially.

Hope you have a great weekend!

oh and welcome to the FF!

My FF and Blog hops

Kristin said...

Thanks for the follow, Caitlin! Have a great weekend!

Alisha (MyNeedToRead) said...

Creative Writing...fits in perfectly with a love of book blogging. ^_^

Really dig your blog! You've done some great stuff; in just a month, too! I look forward to your upcoming content.

Alisha (brand new follower! ^_^)
My Need to Read

Sugarbeat said...

Hi there!
Thanks for the visit to my blog! I'm your latest follower! I really like the Anne Stuart that I've read - just finished the second in the Rohan series. I'm looking forward to what else you are reading!

Barb at Sugarbeat's Books

Valentine's Giveaway

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